Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Apple Bottoms by Nelly

So, I was at Macys for the Seventeen on 34th event and noticed a line. 
Of course Cristine's going to go see what it's for. So it seemed that Nelly was going to be there and I didn't think much of it. 
Like, oh. cool.
Then, I bust out my Canon, you know. Nelly comes out (first picture) and a whole bunch of girls and older woman are screaming. So I just start shooting away. As I'm standing off to the side and being told to "clear off this area" and "back up". How I hate people who have authority. The security made me move the smallest step you can ever imagine. I could care less. Really. 
Whatever, so some cute guy walks by and gives me his badge (which you need to make a purchase of his collection and show them your receipt if you want to see Nelly). I guess the security guys didn't notice since they were supposed to cut it off or something to indicate you've already went. 
I say thanks & hop on  line

okay, so maybe this wasn't the right time to flip my hair ...

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