Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm a Woman In the Making!

I've never been on the radio before, so when Desi. K Robinson asked me to be on her radio show as her Women In the Making (WBAI 99.5), I was honored! Along with Shero, Ali Smith, we talked on the importance of arts education for the youth. Of course, I, a dance major at a performing arts high school has something to say about that! There is so much money being used in the most unnecessary things in the world, it frustrates me that these budget cuts are effecting what means the most to so many young people like me. Me and Ali talked about our love for photography and our personal projects.
Of course I spoke about Pretty Provocative!
This was such a great experience for me. I got an insight how all those radio reporters I was actually recovering from losing my voice a few days before the show, so my voice wasn't too bad but wasn't too great. Just like you have to look nice for TV and film, you have to have a nice voice for radio. I, for one, do not fall under that category. Desi is a pro of course! With a great voice! (She was actually a musical theatre major a couple of years ago at my school, Talent Unlimited High School) I was all nervous about my voice being weird and not being prepared to know what to say, but thankfully I did it. Once you start getting into a topic you feel strongly about, you just sort of, wing it. I'll admit, I'm not always the best in ending sentences! My brain's a bit scattered that way :)
Ali Smith, author of Laws of the Bandit Queens signs me a personal copy :)
left: Desi K. Robinson, Me (squished in the middle) and Ali Smith 

Check out Desi K. Robinson's blog and post HERE
Ali Smith's website HERE

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

This looks awesome! What a great experience.