Friday, November 12, 2010

Zac Posen: Guest at the 2010 Glamour Awards

With a bit of a tear in my eye from the Glamour Award show and all the amazing women who I am now proud to call my newest idols, myself and the girls of the Lower East Side Girls Club made our way down the (what it felt like a million) stairs and out side to our coach bus.
As me and a couple of my friends are talking excitedly about the amazing show, we're crossing the street and I reach over to tell one of my friends about how much I love a woman's gorgeous black dress with shining silver fringe hanging from her shoulders, blowing and gleaming in the wind.
All of a sudden, I do a double take when I notice a familiar male figure (don't ask me how I recognized it).

As I walk on ahead, I recognize the man's face...

"Oh, hi! may I take a picture with you?" I say to the well-known (and may I say very handsome in his suit) designer.
He replied with a freindly "Sure!" and I happily took to his left side and smiled as much as I was honored to be meeting this amazing artist.

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