& here are the highlights and photos (courtesy of Klatoba King:)
I absolutely loved all the bands. It was great to see a free concert filled with great talent from underground bands. We all know the Vans Warped tour was on the same day, but I picked right.
One of my first concerts and my first siren fest, It was a blast. I loved supporting smaller known bands because quite frankly, we are all talented. It's just that some people have to work a little bit harder to become well known. And what I always tell smaller bands, like how I told Dom, remember us little people-when you become so widely known, you're playing at Madison Square Garden and the Nokia theatre, where the tickets take me weeks to save up for- who supported you from the beginning.
Because your fans are who will always be there.
But anyway, where was I?
I loved the connections to the rhythms with complete strangers who came here and love what they're hearing. It's a feeling so amazing, I can only describe it so poorly. When a crowd of moving bodies move in sync to the vibrating sounds from the speakers, everyone just...connects. I loved the feeling of an enthusiastic crowd. Music makes everything a thousand times more exciting.
And I was glad to be a part of the unforgettable excitement.
Thanks to Dionys and Klatoba for attending with me!
This Band was hot.

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Signing Booth:

Earl Greyhound
Cymbals Eat Guitars
Wye Oak
Matt & Kim have stole my heart...and the show. The best for last indeed
* swam in the Atlantic with Matt (Kim can't swim) and got the most amazing hug from him.
Yeah. the most amazing night of my short, 15 year old teenage life.
Goal for next year: body surfing
After taking my wallet out of my pockets.
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