Friday, December 30, 2011

The Fresh Air Fund Visits Seventeen Magazine!

This has to be one of the most anticipated job-shadowings of the year!
Every so often, members of the Fresh Air Fund's Career Awareness Program visit various job sites that the organization has partnerships and affiliations with. I was so glad to be able to help chaperone the event, I know the kids loved visiting Seventeen Magazine! (Even the guys!)  
CAP kids get a history lesson on Seventeen's archive magazines!
The beauty closet!
It was great to be able to test out the newest beauty products and be a "Reader Rave" for a day
ALL HAIL! The fashion closet!
Fashion crash course by the Seventeen Fashion team!
Special thanks to Bernadette Anat, assistant to the Editor-in-Chief, for giving us a tour of the office and hosting us! And to the Editor-in-Chief herself, Ann Shoket for the shoutout to The Fresh Air Fund in this month's Seventeen Magazine issue!

Thanks Seventeen Magazine!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Downtown Girl: Photos by Alberto Vargas

A few months ago, I did a shoot with my good friend, Alberto Vargas. Some of you may remember him from my New York Doll shoot last summer. Downtown Girl was shot at Alberto's job, near the Chinatown, Soho area. This shoot was so much fun, check out the photos!

Thanks to Alberto, Evalise, and Priscilla! 
And don't forget to check Alberto's website and like him on Facebook!
Top: Upson Downs
Suede jacket: H&M
Jeans: Bullhead
Wedges: H&M

Teen Vogue: Marc by Marc Jacobs

Me, Kia and Teen Vogue editors Shiona and Lauren
Check out my photos from Teen Vogue's Marc by Marc Jacobs at Bergdorf Goodman!
Beauty editor, Eva Chen showing off her amazing MJ manicure!

Fashionable guests at the event! 
Loveeed their sweater combos!
GREAT jacket! 
Special thanks to Priscilla! An awesome Pretty Provocative reader for reading my blog! 
You're awesome!