There's nothing like going Upstate to The Fresh Air Fund's Camp Mariah every summer to breathe in some real air. Even though I love the city, I'm a nature girl/tree-hugger at heart. Sometimes you just really don't want to be around all the polluted, superficial air around the city. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a city girl at heart but I think it was time for me to get out for a while...
Loving every second here! Besides teaching classes, making lesson plans, and activities for the campers,I love my job.
Hope you guys are having a great summer so far! Sorry for the late posts! I've been extremely busy but let me know how your summers are going! Tweet me @prtyprovocative!
Striped T-shirt: H&M
Lace Vest: Vintage thrift shop
shorts: umm...somewhere I can't remember...?
Flats: Deena & Ozzy
photo credits to Sheena Fajardo